We found this place as we were going from St. George, Utah to Lehman Caves. I noticed the tops of the rocks from the freeway. Haylee suggested we go check them out. I'm glad she did.
There are two VERY LARGE panorama photos here. They might take a bit of time to download.

Here are some other websites about Cathedral Gorge:
Official website
Travelnevada.com's website
Lincolncountynevada.com's website
Wikipedia.org's website
Desertusa.com's website
Terragalleria.com's website
Stateparks.com's website
Americansouthwest.net's website
Wikimapia.org's other website
Sangres.com's website
Thundafunda.com's website
Cleardarksky.com's website

Here is a Google view of the area. It is centered on the Cathedral Caves area.

View Cathedral Gorge State Park - Nevada in a larger map with markers showing where my photos were taken

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since September 4, 2005

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