These are some of the still pictures I have taken. Scroll down the page to see them. Some of these are a bit hazy. This is because I took them through the helicopter's tinted side window.
Quite often, we fly over freeways to get where we are going. In some cases, the news event we are covering in on a local highway. Having been a CHP officer in San Diego County, I am very familiar with these roads from the ground level. Here is a chance to see them from overhead.
Generally speaking, there is an order to the photos. In north-south freeways, the order is from the north going south. In east-west roads, it is from the west going east. Since many of the photos are of freeway interchanges, there are duplicate photos in each freeway's section.
Click on any of the small pictures below to see a larger version of it.
Photo album created with Web Album Generator